Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tell City Hall not to move downtown recycling site

Our president Steve Noble read an article in Saturday's paper (I can't find it online) about how the city wants to move the Louis Glick recycling drop-off site to Emmons on Water St. Here's Steve's full letter:
Hi All

Don't know how many of your saw the article in the paper on Saturday but
the city has come out and advised that they are considering moving the
downtown recycling site to Emmons facility on Water Street. This will
greatly limit access and drastically reduce the convenience for our

I'm sure there is more to this than what was printed but that will only
come out if there is controversy. I will be offering our thoughts about
this at the city commission meeting tomorrow night to hopefully stir up
discussions before the decision is made in August. More than anything
we need residents to call their commissioner to voice an opinion against
this action.

There are several options that could implemented rather than putting the
drop off site in an old industrial section of town with limited access.
One option is to repeal the ordinance that prevents curbside pickup of
trash and recyclables. Also there is a similar location that the city
could use across the street from the current location.

I will be offering our assistance to educate the public about the
benefits of recycling and the effects of midnight dumping.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Click over to "Contact" to find the phone number to reach Steve on this effort.

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