I don't know about you, but two or three phone books each year is too much.
YellowPagesGoesGreen.org thinks the same thing. The group doesn't think that we should ban phone books all together, but put forward a simple idea: when we want one, we can ask.
Says the group:
Yellowpagesgoesgreen.com was started because we are continually bombarded with Yellow and White Page directories at both home and office. The movement is not intended to stop the use of such directories, but to eliminate the unsolicited delivery of the books. If we want a book we will call and order one.All that paper going to waste - it's a wonder someone hasn't done this sooner.
Over 500 million of these directories are printed every year. That is nearly two books for every person in the country! These directories produce a staggering amount of waste, not only in terms of misused natural resources but also in filling of valuable landfill space.
Yellow Pages Goes Green will help remove your name from printed Telephone Directory mailing list, and provides links to resources that will help in the effort - including the Do-Not-Call Registry.
The fact that more than one book is printed than per HH doesn't mean anything.
We have no web access at work (security issue according to IT). I use the books at work, and at home.
That's fine. But to be able to opt-out instead of automatically receiving one is the point. Why should I, who has Internet access, receive two phone books for my apartment? It's madness.
Far better for your readers to go directly to the publisher and opt-out. Most publishers won't accept third party information. FYI, last year US consumers referenced the books over 13.4 billion times, and most of the books are made up of lumber residuals and recycled pulp. For the facts, go to www.ypassociation.org. Full disclosure, I work for the industry.
Thanks shobbs - the opt-out info is good to know. This is still the Internet age, and for all the phone books we see a lot of it is pure waste. It seems the phone book companies would be glad to switch away from paper - all that is just an expense, you can still provide ads online, and I'll betcha you'd have extra money in your pocket.
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